vegging out

i worked at the compex office in torrance yesterday and after work i was pooped!! thank goodness for tony he drove me to work in my zombie state and home from work in my lack of fresh air induced zombie state. I really think that being in a building with out fresh air for 7 hours is draining me of my energy. so today i am in the office again, but i have a plan to go out and get fresh air during the day rather then just at lunch time. and i am trying to leave early....hopefully at 2pm. so what did i do when we got home first i laid in bed and talked to david then we had dinner then we went to this really cool art gallery/coffee shop, then i vegged out on the couch watching tv...but it feels like i am watching movies because my parents screen is soo big. i watched Emily's Reasons Why Not, Jake in Progress (then i should have gone to bed) but i watched CSI Miami. The 1st two were 30 min shows and i think that is too short they weren't very good, but i love CSI Miami. i better get to work...dont want to be slacking on the job.


Stephanie said…
Hope your day isn't too bad. My first day was today. I'm mostly just training & hanging out right now. But I'm should be lots of fun! Very different from Compex! :)
Stephanie said…
Sorry I am so slow at checking my comments on my blog...especially the picture blog. Anyway, that picture that you asked about...that was taken along the side of the road on the way to Hana. It was one of the many stops. :) It was so beautiful! The water was super cold...that's why I didn't get in! :)
OutOfTheSilent said…
yes horaciao is quite the cool guy... oh yeah I am the huge csi miami fan... tivo every one... watch them when the wife goes to bed... she not so much in the mood for the blood and guts..

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