kitten sitting

so we are watching my sisters kitten named lillybella. and she is nuts!! here are a few of the crazy things she has done in just the one night we stayed here.
1. attacked a burning candle - my sister warned me about this one.
2. fell in the toilet - she was so fast to get out of the water
3. chewed up my book - yep just like a dog
4.attacked david - but he is so loveable (he was drawing and she had to have his pen)
5.chewed on my toes - she is crazy about toes i guess (so i put on socks)
6. currently she is trying really hard to chew on my computer

so that is it for now. i know super exciting.


thebensonator said…
hahaha. Aww kittens are the best :-D
Hi Melissa Mae. Happy New Year. Sorry for being absent from blogging. I was off to Mexico. Will write more often. Have a great rest of the week.

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