so i know its spring and one big sign of that here is because of the road kill. every where you drive there is another animal that has been run over by an unsuspecting motorist. i dont know if i feel worse for the drivers or the animals. then i get grossed out by the dead animals hanging out on the roads because there are so many of them the waste dept cant keep up with them. so besides all of the beautiful tulips and daffodils spring brings road kill.


Stephanie said…
That is really yucky! I hate road kill, cause I can't help but stare at it as I drive by. I see it coming a little ways away & at first I'm like, "Hmm...I wonder what that is in the road?" Knowing full well it's something dead, but my interest is perked & I can't take my eyes off of it! And then as I get closer & closer, part of me wants so badly to look away, but I can't, I just can't! It's like some strange magnetic field that draws me in...and then suddenly I am driving right by it and I am extremely grossed out! Then I get mad at myself...why did I have to look?! Aaaarrrggghhh!!!!
Ok, well enough of that!
melissamae said…
steph, i do the same thing! and then i get so grossed out! but i cant resist!! and let me tell you it is every where here.

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