my sister and our easter!
Posted by Hello


Claudine said…
That's my smile at Easter our household, the adults do a separate, vicious hunt where pushing is encouraged.
melissamae said…
i think that would be a great new tradition...but who hides the eggs??
Hi Melissa Mae, thanks for having posted in my blog. I hope you had a very nice birthday too.

I will soon add you to my daily reads. Thanks for your nice birthday wishes to me too.

Hey, I like your name so much. I'm thinking seriously to put it to the little daughter I will have in the future. Who chose that name for you? Your mom or dad? I like it since is not so common at all.

Ok, for now I say bye and God bless you & your hubby.

Gabriela. :)
Anonymous said…
I hope you name you daughter after my sister. Here are my resons...
1. She is the most wonderful person in the whole world.
2. She has the biggest heart anyone could have.
3. um.. She is my sister.
I could go on and on and on. But I will stop and 3.
P..S I miss her soooo much and love coloring eggs with her and I am almost 29. That shows you how much love comes out of her.
Love... Anna

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