i am in love.

so i have been reading the power of a praying wife...and it is making me realize how great my husband is. not because of anything it says a husband should do, because of what it sets up most husbands as being slackers, and not being good husbands. it is depressing that an author can write a book and make a lot of money using stereotypes of husbands...maybe she is basing all of her info on people she knows. but today i read a chapter about affection and how 90% of marriages lack affection because the husband doesnt show his wife affection, and theat 80% of the wives just deal with it because their husband is good in other areas. does that mean..he takes out the trash so i shouldnt bother him for a hug? yea it beats me! so my point was to say that my husband is amazing and i am so thankful for him and our relationship. and the book does have good prayers at the end of each chapter...but just like any other growing and learning book you have to take it for what it is and that is an opinion of someone else. i have been enjoying the verses and prayers. i am thankful for this book.


Anonymous said…
I love that book. i dont think I've read every word of every chapter, but the prayers are so cool, escpecially the one on "his wife", which is us, haha. cause we want to be the best wife ever, right?! :)
Anonymous said…
that was my comment, not an anonymous. me: Jodi.
Anonymous said…
Maybe the husband is spending most of his time to support the family, working odd jobs whenever he can so the wife could be home with the children and not work. Maybe the wife is selfcentered and selfish because she wants to be social and be out and about. Maybe he is too tired for a hug or a kiss and would like some rest. It takes two to make a marriage, it is not all physical and espousing "I'm in love, it is showing understanding, kindness, and knowledge that you are loved even if there is not continual hugs and kisses."
Stephanie said…
I've been reading that book too! When I was helping you pack I remember seeing it & thinking, "Hmmm...that would be a good book to read." And then I saw it at the book store & bought it. :) Anyway...I have to agree with you, it really makes me happy to have my husband! It makes me really sad to think about how many disfunctional marriages there really are out there. It has also been a helpful book - it helps me remember to really pray for my husband & to remember to treat him right, since he treats me so great! :)
Ok...well that was a long comment!
The book you are reading sounds interesting Melissa Mae.

It's just great to be in love with your hubby. I love mine so much too.

Praise the Lord for the great hubbys he sent us. :)

I believe marriage is a great gift from God and it is necessary that both work hard together for the well being of the marriage.

Have a great week together.


Gabriela. :)

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