
so today i decided i would go to the library and try to get a library card. i am not sure why i waited for is so cool. maybe i thought it would suck and they wouldnt have the books i want to read, well that doesnt matter anymore because they do have the books i want to read and i can check them out for 28 days for free. and if i forget to return them they will email me a i love the technology we have. i am very excited to get to read as many books as i want and i can even drop books off there to be sold to benefit the library so i dont have to keep all the books i have collected if i run out of room. ok yes i know i am completely random but i am excited...actually i am so excited that i skipped to my car after i checked out my first 2 books, i am looking forward to a wonderful relationship with the library! oh and we are going to the mall tonight to go to dinner at TGIFridays and there is supposed to be a magician there...should be cool.


thebensonator said…
I love that you skipped to your car. :-D
Anonymous said…
As a psychology major and what I have observed on your blogs, don't consider having children. Unless there is a major change your world is only big enough for the two of you.
melissamae said…
thanks for checking out our blogs "anonymous psych major" too put your mind at ease...we are not planning on having children..atleast not anytime soon. keep checking our blogs...hopefully you enjoy our ramblings.
Anonymous said…
I am a college drop out and i agree with the above 2 posters... i love myself. And i dont want to make the mistake so many have before. Having kids and not loving them to the capasity they deserve/desire
OgreVI said…
As a librarian, I'm glad you're taking pleasure in your relationship with your local library. Oh, and I don't like kids personally, but have as many as you want. How did that conversation get started, anyway?

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