make a wish foundation

so i have gotten a very cool opportunity to donate some pottery to the make a wish foundation and have it painted by kids who are "WISH KIDS" and then it is going to be auctioned off tonight! I am very excited because i believe the Make a Wish Foundation is great and they really do make a difference in kids lives. My goal tonight is to try to keep tabs on the bidding but I cant stay too late so i am not sure if i will get to know how much they go for. one thing i just realized is i didnt get any pictures of the pieces so i will get some tonight. happy cinco de mayo!


Stephanie said…
Wow! That's really awesome! I can't wait to see the pictures & hear what they sold for! You're the best!
Hi, hey, look forward to seeing the pics of the pottery.

I don't know how to do pottery and really look up to the ones that have that gift. Look forward to seeing the pics of your pottery.

It's almost Friday. Yahoooooooooo!!!

Love Fridays.

Happy 5 de Mayo too!!! :)

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