4th of July
So my family is back in CA and it is fourth of july and i am at my studio helping lovely customers make decisions about what color to paint while we all wait for the fireworks at 9pm. Which means they will really happen between 9 and 10. so happy fourth of july...hip hip hooray for fireworks...i took some pictures of the fireworks last night from my spot on the beach in north cape may..where we live.
today as i was thinking about my blog i realized i started it to talk about cape may and what i see in my view of the boardwalk and all the people. so one thing i noticed about cape may is the catholic church that sells raffle tickets for a mercedes must make a fortune. i sat on a bench eating ice cream today and saw 4 groups of people buy tickets...i hope they use the money for something good.

north cape may fireworks
today as i was thinking about my blog i realized i started it to talk about cape may and what i see in my view of the boardwalk and all the people. so one thing i noticed about cape may is the catholic church that sells raffle tickets for a mercedes must make a fortune. i sat on a bench eating ice cream today and saw 4 groups of people buy tickets...i hope they use the money for something good.

north cape may fireworks
Take care,
Gabriela & Brian. :)