
so we watched season 1 of alias while in ca and i rented season 2 from netflix and it comes on 4 dvd's so we have watched the 1st 2 dvd's and are now waiting for the next one to come. it is really addicting!! even if i sit under a blanket and have to close my eyes every once in awhile. i love it!


Stephanie said…
You're so cute! I can imagine you just closing your eyes every once in awhile all bundled up with your blanket. So cute!

Thanks for the compliment on my writing. :)
thebensonator said…
addicting indeed... of course as the seasons go on it gets more and more cheesy... but by then you're already drawn in!
Anonymous said…
WELL.. Alias was kind of lack luster this past season (that would be season 3) although the last 2 seconds of the last episode for Season 3 was worth it all!!! WATCH IT!!!

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