
so a nice sunny day has come to cape may..and i went to the beach by myself, it was very nice! i love to watch people especially little kids. there was this little girl walking down toward the water with her mom and grandmom. and i was pretty far from the water since really all i wanted to do was catch some rays and she stopped right at the edge of my towel and dropped her bucket and sat right down to commence digging. her grandmom called out to her from about 20 feet away come on sweetie we are going down here...i thought it was so cute how she just wanted to dig! then a little later i saw a couple of rescues since there is a hurricane down south i guess it causes bad undertow and when the lifeguards went out for a rescue they sounded thier whistle four times and then a bunch of lifeguards ran down the beach and instead of swimming out to the swimmers the created a chain and passed them along back to safety. i thought that was so cool. i havent ever seen a rescue done that way before. it reminded me of the time my brother and i had to get rescued when we were little we went on vaca to newport beach and we both got swept out really far, thankfully we were both capable swimmers and we knew to swim sideways instead of trying to get back in. i think the worst part was the humiliation of some older cute guy having to come to my rescue. he did tell us we were doing the right thing but they just wanted to make sure we got back in...i guess we probably looked like two very scrawny kids trying our hardest to get back to the beach.


Anonymous said…
Sounds very cute the little girl digging.

Very nice you went for a walk to the beach. Sounds like so fun. Have a great weekend you and your hubby.

Thanks for visiting my blog too.

Gabriela. :)
Ms. etc said…
Beach....Sigh~~~ I never learned how to "properly" swim.

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