birthday party

tongiht was Paige's 5th birthday and she celebrated it at Art & Soul. so that means 20 4 & 5 year olds painting pottery! it was so much fun all the kids were so good and 4 of them are developmentally disabled and they probably had the most fun of everyone! birthday parties are fun and hard and when one with 4 & 5 year olds goes smoothly i am very very very thankful! oh and no broken pieces!! i think she had a great birthday.


Stephanie said…
Sounds like a really fun time! I love cute little kids...when they are good, they are even cuter!! :)
Anonymous said…
Hi girl.

Sounds like very fun the birthday painting party.

Have a great rest of the week. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your nice comments.

God bless,

Gabriela. :)
Anonymous said…
partys are good

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