
Showing posts from 2005

rainy day

so i just woke up from a nap that i fell asleep into while i was reading the last battle a book in the chronicles of narnia and i totally had wierd narnia dreams. i dont usually like to nap but today is so gloomy and i could hear the rain coming down on the roof and it sort of mezmerized me into a nice little nap. so now i am going to go out in the rain and buy all the fixings for tacos yummy!! i am cooking dinner tonight for some friends and of course for my family. nothing like waiting til the last minute to go get the food...but hey thats my style. hope you have a safe night and a happy new year. i am looking forward to my tacos and my kiss at midnight.

driving my moms car

so this is something that is a big bonus of visiting my parents...they have an extra car so i get to drive one of them. my favorite one is the envoy if you ever saw the simpsons episode where they drove the canyonaro it always makes me think of my moms car.

teaching jesse to open presents


california or bust

so we are here getting all settled in and here are a few things i already know i forgot. 1. alias dvd's for chris cooley (sorry) 2. david's glasses 3. favorite pillow (my mom has some good replacements though) 4. printer (left it on purpose but wish i had brought it for easy printing) 5. to take down the christmas decorations in my windows at home and at art & soul 6. to invoice one customer for a job we did for them 7. my michaels gift cards (left them on purpose - but now if i want something at michaels i know i have a gift card at home so i wont want to buy it with my cash money) tomorrow i am off to glen ivy day spa, a christmas present from my tony. i am very exicted but i need to get to sleep, we just got back from hanging out at my dads where i saw most of willy wonka, part of herby fully loaded and part of fever pitch. i think next time i go over i am going to watch bewitched.

delivery complete

this morning i delivered 450 ornaments to the elementary school day care. i would never have gotten them all dremeled and got little tags and strings on each one. with out the help of david cousin jimmy and brittany. the tags say "Created Especially for you by Your child with the help of Art & Soul Ceramics 884-9480" since i give them a 75% discount i decided that i needed to have something on each one that said where they came from but i also didnt want it to be overly advertising. so that is what i decided on. it is a huge load off my shoulders thanks to cousin jim , brittany and david for staying up so late helping me. thanks so much!

the mall

so last night david had mens bible study so i went to the mall with his mom and sister and my friend soon to be cousin in law brittany and boy was it crazy. so now that i have begun my christmas shopping it has hit me that christmas is in 5 days!! holy guacamole!! i have a lot to do. so wish me luck...hopefully i wwill be able to get everything i need in town and not have to go up to the mall again. i am going to paint a few presents today so that will be good.

matts stocking

This is one side of the fellowship hall filled with people wrapping presents. It was a really great night the people who spoke really touched my heart and I am so thankful to be able to be a small part in this ministry. TV 40 - which i am not sure what channel it is also came and interviewed the family and then the news at 11 o'clock featured matt's stocking (the picture is of april being interviewed)

christmas is coming...ready or not!

so i think i am still in shock that it is the month of december. but its here and all of the wonderful christmas plans are coming and going...(like the journey to find jesus) and tonight we have Matt's Stocking which is a ministry born out of a tragedy. The Lassor Family began Matt's Stocking in honor of Matt who was killed in a car accident I am not sure how many years ago, but i do know that this is a beautiful ministry that keeps Matt alive in a sense. The family finds out the needs of local families for presents for the children and then the needs are placed on stockings and you can take a stocking and buy the gift then they group them by family and people come together to wrap them and someone shares a story about Matt and a message and you would not believe how many presents there are it is amazing. i am so blessed to get to be a small part of the ministry and i am overwhelmed with everything that goes into this. please say a special prayer for the lassor family today esp...

the rest of the journey

The angels were up in a tree stand that was built for them so they could sing Glory to God...and sign it too. Gabriel way high in a tree freezing his butt off. (cousin Jimmy) The shepherds and some of the flock...sheep, goats and i think they had some cows too. the wisemen bowing down to baby jesus and the crazy camel who laid there the entire time and made wierd breathing noises. I hope you enjoy the pictures. It was really cool to be a part of this program. :)

journey pictures

The entrance to the Journey to find Jesus. The Singers while you wait for your tour. The first stop on the journey Zebedee. The Second stop - the ladies (I am the one by the fire) Third stop Simeon and his donkey. There are more and i will do my best to post them tonight or tomorrow morning..

the journey to find jesus

so tonight was the first of 3 nights for our churhces outside living nativity. it is actually a complete journey through a lighted path in the woods and there are scenes through out the path. i am in the 2nd scene on the journey to bethlehem and david is a shepherd who leads the people along. i had a really great time tonight with the other ladies in my scene and being a part of something that shares the christmas message. this is the 3rd year that our church has done the journey but it is my first year acting in it. last year i was too scared of the cold and the year before we lived in CA. We have a fire ring and a very cool set for our scene, i will take pictures tomorrow so you can see how we made it look "homey". if anyone is in CAPE MAY COUNTY and reading this please join us from 5:30pm -8:30pm Saturday and SUnday it is a very cool way to see the Birth of Jesus being told and we even have real life camels, donkeys and sheep.


So one thing i learned last year is if you plan on being in a snowball fight you should have your ammunition ready. so i got home this morning before david and i brought a cup out before he got home and made a few snowballs. well he pulled up and i couldnt hide my guilt but i tried to conceal it by saying i want to make a snowman. so david got out of the car and i showed him my stockpile and then he started throwing snowballs at me...i should never have showed him my stockpile..luckily he didnt get to use any of them. then we made a snowman and some snow angels. man i love the snow. to see some pictures go to our themacombers site .

winter is here!

we are supposed to get snow tonight!! and i am excited about we probably wont get any. i think the weather people like to tell you snow is coming so you get your hopes up and then it mysteriously changes direction and goes to NY or Philly instead. but for now i still have hopes that we will get snow.

oh my a deer!

yesterday morning after i dropped melissa joy off at school i went over to visit cousin was about 8am and i turned onto her street and started driving down it toward her house and all of a sudden out of the bushes on the side of the road a cute little deer popped out and then started to cross the street. i tried to grab my camera but it started walking down the middle of the street and then crossed the rest of the way and went through cousin laura's next door neighbors yard. i was was so cool seeing a real life deer that close in the daylight. i have seen lots of deer since moving to cape may but usually it is when i am driving fast on the parkway and they are eating on the side at dusk so they are hard to see. i wish i could have gotten a picture ...but it was still really amazing!

wonderful world of melissa

so what goes on in my world? well yesterday i went with grandmom to micheals and then helped her decorate and then she called and asked me to go shopping today...unfortunately i was working today so i couldnt go shopping. but we have a fun time of shopping set for 8am tomorrow. we are going to go to Lowes and Dollar Tree... now i dont know if you have ever been shopping with a grandmom but it is an experience something that would take 1 hour usually takes 5-6 hours. so tomorrow after working in the early am and going to breakfast and shopping then i will head my store to load the kiln and hang some christmas decorations. ( i know i am late but better late then never, right?)


It's a BOY!! (but we already knew that!!!) Zion Jonathan Imel was born yesterday 9lbs 3 oz and almost 21inches long... We cant wait to meet him!! Hip Hip Hooray!! Pre baby pictures of karyn are up now and they said pics of Zion will go up soon. (karyn has quite a belly in the pics on her site.)


As the holidays get closer ( i put up most of my decorations last night - actually going to Michaels to pick up a few more today with davids grandmom) ok where was i? Oh yeah i logged onto Explorer to check my email and update my blog and there was a very interesting article about families and the holidays. i know it isnt easy having my entire family in CA and davids in NJ especially since we live in NJ makes it difficult for both of us. So here is the article which i thought was very good and appropriate to the world we live in. Sorta sad too though. So to the Butcher Girls...enjoy your Christmas will be wonderful!!

happy burfday cassy


back in NJ

brrrrrrrr!!! it is cold here compared to maui. so we made i back safe and sound after a wonderful time in paradise. and i arrived at my store after flying through the night and the heater is broken. it certainly was cold until big dave brought me a plug in heater and the sun began to shine in the windows. i am glad to be home and i hope it snows before christmas when we go back to CA.

california rolls

so a couple of days ago david's mom called and said she was going to the new grocery store and they have a sushi section. so david asked her to get him some california rolls. a little later she called from the store and said i am looking at the rolls and i see portuguese rolls, italian rolls, sweet rolls but i dont see any california rolls. she was in the roll aisle and not the sushi aisle. so be sure to tell your mom what type of rolls you want when you ask for something special from the store.

a kiln is an oven

Maybe i will try this next year. Cooking a Turkey. I read about a college in CA cooking 3 turkeys in a kiln and decided to do some research on how it would work since i have a kiln. we will be in hawaii on turkey day this year but maybe we can have a special kiln cooking day. i wonder if i could bake a few cakes or pies in my kiln...maybe my mother in law could use it for wedding cakes...she could cook all the cakes at once. you never know!!

sunshine and wind

when you are sitting inside and the sun is coming in through the windows it gives the appearance that it is nice and warm and sunny outside. then you hear the whirling of the wind or maybe it is whipping wind. and the realization that NO WAY is it nice and warm beyond the glass of the windows. that i guess is how you know winter is coming quickly. we also had a crazy storm last night with wind and rain, it was funny to see everyone running for thier cars after church. someone told david there would be good waves today but when we drove over to check them out it was very choppy. not to mention it would be so cold brrrr! so our surfboards are waiting for summer again inside our living room as decoration. who needs a christmas tree when you have two 9 foot surfboards?? maybe i will string some lights around them after turkey day.

the macombers


silver elite

so i just got an email that david and i are silver elite members with north west airlines . what does this mean? well i am trying to figure it all out but one thing for sure is we have free upgrades when available we can call the day before a flight and get an upgrade if there are open seats. very cool.

cell phone....ugggh!

so i have a cell phone that is a blessing...yes i know. but i hate drops calls and doesnt have any service in most areas. and it turns off on its own. so i sent it to my mom in california while we were in romania to see if she could get it fixed or better yet replaced. and they told her she needed to buy a new battery. so she did and guess what a $50 new battery doesnt help. it does stay charged longer then the old battery. so there it is the bright side, i fnally found it. so i am going to have to go to the verizon store here which is actually exit 38 on the parkway inside the mall and try to get it fixed or updated or something. it is making me crazy!! but hey another bright side i get to go to the mall.


so i am the teacher of the 1st & 2nd grade caravan class at my church. the kids are all really cute but some are very kids tend to be when they have sat in a classroom all day and all they want to do is have fun not do paper work or color pages. so i try to make every night fun for them and my class is really big - 19 kids on a low night 25 on a high night. tonight is our scarfing ceremony and 1st night of badges. my class has earned their personal care badges and sports and fitness badges. they also learned their "i believes" and will get a pin for that. i get to go in front of the church tonight and give out their badges and scarves and talk all about what we have done. (this is the only part i dont like about caravan) i am sure it will go ok i am going to work on my "speech".

back to normal (i guess)

so we are starting to get back into the swing of things. i am still pretty tired around 9pm and waking up early but i think i might be starting to like waking up early. i did say like not love it is growing on me. other then that david is working on a photo album of our trip and i will post some more pictures soon. thank you for your prayers and support for our trip. in the recent news of our lives david's dad and my brother both celebrated their birthdays on 10/31 and Melissa Joy (david's little sister) is celebrating her SWEET 16 on 11/10.

moving roof tiles

so going to romania i knew we would have a lot of hard work ahead of us, but i had no idea i would push myself as far as i did and see how strong i really am. the first day we arrived at the church we waited for the truck to come with the roof tiles and once it arrived we worked for what felt like days unloading the tiles. after many hours i could no longer feel my arms and i could feel my bruises beginning to form. we ended up unloading all of the tiles before lunch, but lunch wasnt until 2:30 that day... so by the time we ate everyone was ready for a break. after lunch we went up to see the tiles stacked on the 2nd floor, thankfully i was not on the stairs or at the top of them. there is a picture below of all of the tiles on the 2nd floor.

some pictures from our trip

me & david on the top story of the church before the roof began the church before we started (check out the scaffolding) passing roof tiles (we moved 17,000 tiles up to the second floor) all the tiles unloading the wood truck more wood unloading the ladies dirt in the driveway we bucket brigaded to the 3rd floor lifting the buckets of dirt

view from the top of the church


back in the USA

so we are back in new jersey. the trip was amazing and we are getting our pictures developed and printed today. we stopped by to see davids mom and sister and i hopped on the computer, now we are going to see grandmom at mcdonalds. yum!

phew! i think i am ready.

so now i am sitting here breathing easy. i am all ready to go. i have a couple of phone calls to make and then off to sleep. tonight i had a ladies craft night at my church and i really enjoyed it even though i still had a list of things to do. (the list wasnt too big) i am excited to have more ladies craft nights (where i get to scrapbook) and i brought my albums for people to see and that is always fun. i learned how to do some stamping techniques and how to use those cool new brad things. and i got to look at other people's albums which is always inspiring! so now i am going to grab my suitcase to weigh it because there is a 50 pound limit and to get my fish because big dave is going to watch them. be sure to check out we are going to try to get on the internet and update while we are away.

late night mcdonalds run

so after a long day of work and then teaching caravan (we brushed our teeth, and had a bedtime story) then david and i hit the gym. so where does the mcdonalds come in? well we came over to david's dads house otherwise known as big dave and i was peeking around for some snacks and there werent any. so big dave said he was thinking about having an ice cream cone. so i took his truck and his dog jesse and we got 2 ice cream cones and 1 hot fudge sundae and 1 small fry. well jesse and i ate the fries one for him one for me the drive back to the house. he was really thirsty when we got home. guess i should have done more time on the treadmill.


we are going to romania with our church Seashore Community Church of the Nazarene. Our associate pastor has a heart for missions and plans atleast 2 Work & Witness trips each year. This is our 3rd trip with the church. A work and witness trip is a short term mission trip usually 2 weeks where there is a goal for building or fixing a building and doing ministry in the community. We are going to the Mana Church to add a second story and replace the roof. The church wants to be more useful for the community so they are trying to add more rooms for teaching. We are also going to an orphanage and we will be playing with the children and doing whatever else God leads us to do. Please keep us in your prayers and especially pray for the people we are going to come into contact with. Where we are going in Romania is the birthplace of Vlad the Impaler better known as Dracula and many of the people are into witchcraft and sorcery.

getting ready for romania

a trip to target! $150 and almost everything off of my list. what remains on the list should be available locally at kmart or reynolds or maybe even big lots. rain boots (golashes) advil face paint crayons watch razors small umbrella space bags (hopefully big dave has these) the other things i need are books. and i am going to get them at the library. i had a long talk with my friend amanduh and she told me the good ones to try to find.

saw this and liked it


bad idea

it is a bad idea to forget to eat breakfast and to not eat lunch until 12pm because it makes for one hungry girl. i think i might have gnawed my arm off if it wasnt for Louie's pizza.


so we went camping with lots of family and friends this weekend (since it was a 4 day weekend) and first off i need to say THANKS to my friends Karisa & John for working at Art & Soul on saturday (they had a crazy busy day due to RAIN!!) So about that RAIN!! it rained and rained and rained in gettysburg where we went camping but we didnt let that ruin our fun. In the end i think the kids had a lot of fun in the mud and it did stop raining so we got to have a campfire but since it was muddy and damp and even a little chilly it was a good time for cups and cups of hot chocolate filled with mini marshmallows. (yum) well david got a lot of great pictures but somehow my camera turned on in a drawer so i only got a few. one day a few of us went to gettysburg and i got to see some really cool civil war stuff and the battlefields and we even got to try on some civil war time hats. enjoy.

1 more

this one was with my cell phone while driving.

taking pictures of myself

these are at the NYMetropolitan Museum of Art on the roof top garden. (its a sculpture garden not a flower garden) Its hot and sunny and they sell margaritas, martinis or bottled water. it seemed wierd because in the rest of the museum you werent allowed to have any drinks but on the roof there was lots of alcohol being consumed. (probably some NY hotspot we didn't even know)


so growing up in southern california i never had allergy problems. but now that i live in cape may, nj where the seasons change and there is a lot more wild flowers and trees it seems like every season change i have had horrible allergies. on sunday we went to a camp ground near our house and i could see the pollen falling from the trees...and i sneezed about 100 times. i really could do with out the runny nose, itchy and watery eyes and for some reason my face is really dry and my lips are super chapped. yep i am a mess. i took 2 benadryl tablets last night and i thought i slept through the night but david said i got up to pee and he asked if i was ok and all i said was i took 2 benadryl. i feel better now but still groggy...maybe i should have only taken 1 benadryl. oh well atleast i didnt wake up 100 times to blow my nose. ok sorry if i grossed anyone out but hey this is real life stuff.
imagine this is what i always looked like. Posted by Picasa

the zoo

i went to the zoo today and i saw somw really cute baby tamarinds. they were born on 9.9 and they are twins (the info sign said the mom always has twins and the dad carries them on his back for the first 3 months of thier lives and then they are on thier own) the were like 2 inches long soo cute. another cool thing was the lemurs were getting treats when we went by them and they love grapes. also got to see the lion who was roaring like crazy and the camels who were very very stinky. somehow the tiger evaded us but we did get to see a volunteer sleeping at the drink stand by the tiger cage. the best part of the zoo is it is FREE - well a donation. the second best part is they need volunteers. so i am going to contact them and maybe spend some of my free time helping at the zoo. they also need ink cartridges that they recycle and get $$ for the zoo. so if you have any send them my way. thanks!

tony danza show

i am watching the tony danza show and he has john mcginley(from scrubs) who has a son with downsyndrome and yesterday was the NY City Buddywalk and Tony Danza went to the walk and it is all featured on his talk show this morning. So cool.

summer is over

so i still cant believe how dead it is around here. summer seems to be long gone. i am still busy busy trying to put together some fall events for art & soul. other then that nothing new is going on this week. our friend jeff is coming to visit tomorrow so we are going to NY to pick him up tomorrow.

hanging out with jesse

so today i had a lot of work to do so i headed over to big daves and got to hang out with jesse the cute dog while i worked. he is very needy and i finally decided to take him outside because i couldn't stand his whining for one more minute. well jesse doesnt like the hose there is a spray nozzle on it and it sprays in a straight stream and he goes crazy trying to attack the water. so we both got wet and i think jesse had a good time. he also got very muddy from rolling around in the dirt wet and then i had to spray him off and dry him off and take him inside. crazy dog.

work work work

maybe it is just the time of year but i feel like today i have been going going going. i have crossed almost everything off of my to do list. i still need to write thank you letters and create a couple of orders for art & soul and a few more things that will be put off until tomorrow. i got 2 bottles of bath wash from my mom from bath & body works. yum!! now all i want to do is go home and take a shower so i can smell like coconut lime verbeena (what is a verbeena) or warm vanilla suger. thanks mom. ok gotta pay bills and glue a picture frame then i can check 2 more things off of my to do list. man i love to make lists.


i watched the movie Carolina with Julia Stiles last night it was really cute. it made me think about my grandma and that i want to ask my dad to tell me all of her stories again because i dont know that much about her. what i do know is that i have the same moles on my chin that my grandma had and that she was a model when she was young and that she dies of alzheimers and i remember she smelled like cigarettes and wrigleys green gum. i am going to find out more for sure.

fishy fishy fishy

i love my fish mine is the red and white one. david's is the blue & purple one. so any ideas for a name are appreciated...and once i choose i will let you know. right now i just call them fishy fishy. i know i am a dork. oh well.

wildwood & more fun.

the clouds are taken from going over the bridge into the philly airport the others are from wildwood. our new friends alex & joanna from poland and amanduh of course from ca. i didnt get any pictures of winning my new fish. david won me 2 beta fishes by throwing a ping pong ball into a fish bowl they are still alive but remain nameless. david is probably going to name his reemus dude. but i dont know what i want to name mine. i will post pictures and then maybe my friends can help me. we are going to go shopping in atlantic city tomorrow tonight we have a fun time planned for dollar general and going over to visit davids mom and then dad or vice versa.

fun fun fun

wildwood was fun i will post pictures tomorrow. we are closing up art & soul to go to play pool somewhere i have never been before. we ate chicken cheesesteaks for dinner. yum!


so my friend amanda is here and today we went to delaware shopping which means a ferry ride. she got to honk the horn. i got a cute dress and she got socks and a sweatshirt. then we came to art & soul and she painted a bowl while i boxed up stuff for shipping. now we are going to wildwood with a couple of girls from poland. it should be fun!


so today i was reading on msn about what is going on in New Orleans and it makes me sad. i dont have tv so i sit here and read about what is happening and today i have had a hard time focusing trying to see what updates have been posted to msn. so i am thankful for my connection with the outside world through the internet but it doesnt make it any easier to see the images and read the stories. american red cross relief

thursday off

so ernie is helping me out tomorrow and i pretty much will have the day off. i have to go down before i open and unload the kiln because some people needed their pottery in a rush. but then i have big plans to work in my garden and clean out my shed and just organize and maybe even scrapbook. i am excited!

lease negotiated

looking forward to a few more summers with Art & Soul...hip hip hooray! I am so thankful for my business and for God being able to use it for His purpose and the fact that my landlord agreed to my terms is a huge testimony to who is on my TEAM!

little bit of this and that

today started with sleeping in i set my alarm for 8:30 and turned it off and then set it for 10 and i got up at 10 to see if my hair experiment failed miserably. you see i want to look cute but i want to put in the least amount of effort possible. so i saw this girl with curly hair at wawa and her hair looked so good...nice and curly so i asked what she does to her hair and she said all she puts in is a little mousse and hair spray then goes. so since i shower at night i decided to try my luck and put it in before bed. well it didnt work instead my hair looks sorta dirty and i didnt leave enough time for a here i am at work with semi dirty looking hair that was really washed last night. so then to art & soul to work and i had a yummy muffin from avalon. i got here early to do all my behind the scenes work and i got it done really fast so i went for a walk and sat on a bench to read for a little while. a very nice way to relax before opening. i am so thankful...

this week has gone by so fast

i cant believe it is friday. what have i done this week? well i worked a lot. i went to the beach twice and i enjoyed the summer. yesterday i got my first "lesson" in surfing and the first wave i stood up on i fell (ofcourse) and the board came around and my hand hit the skegg. i have a very sore hand all bruised up. but it was so much fun. i hope to get out again before it gets too cold. i also have enjoyed some good food. My signature hot dog from "hot dog tommy's" is a LW (leaner wiener) with mashed potatoes, sour cream & cheddar cheese. the usually have chili on them too but i dont like the chili. they sell frozen coke's too which a great for a hot summer day.

dream furniture

so looking at my friends tim & jamie new house and all the cool stuff i decided to surf the web and see what kind of stuff is out there that i like. so here is some of the stuff that i found for when i grow up. i have a coca-cola kitchen and i always dreamed of having a real life diner booth..i know it isnt very practical but who cares. i also loved my friends jon & karyn's old couch that was a big comfy sectional this one has a chaise too...great for lounging. the underbed drawers have always been my favorite it just makes sense to use that space rather then have it empty or worse yet filled with stuff that shouldnt be there. the headboard was something i came across while searching...i have had it in my mind to do a trading spaces style covering of our current headboard using batting and fabric...maybe i will do this instead. enjoy.