man i hate rent
so today i have been working on my store lease and looking at the charges and it blows my mind how much money i throw away...i mean i know i get to have my store here and sell my pottery but really how much more money could i make if i didnt have to pay for rent and in the long run if the money was going to a mortgage aleast i would have a building after many years of paying. so i am not only paying rent for the store but also for us to live in a house we pay two payments a month that i may as well be burning the is so frustrating. i am going to pray about housing for us..i know right now isnt the right time to buy but maybe God will open a door in the future. i am thankful for what i have dont get me wrong i could be spending ALOT more on my house God has blessed us incredibly.
Hey, I put a comment about what works for me to wash the shower and toilette and let them very clean and shiny.
Bye and God bless.
Gabriela. :)
Just make sure to refrain from sex during business hours...cuz coming down the stairs is gonna be awkward...